Parkinson’s Boxing Inspired Program

Body Balance – Parkinson’s Boxing Inspired Program

New at Body Balance:
Parkinson’s Boxing Inspired Program

Personal Training to Alleviate Parkinson’s Symptoms

Body Balance is excited to now offer customized Parkinson’s disease (PD) movement programs. We are inspired by new research that shows how targeted exercise regimes can halt or even reverse Parkinson’s disease (PD) symptoms.

A recent New York Times article states: “For Parkinson’s patients in particular; regular exercise tailored to their needs can result in better posture; less stiffness; improved flexibility of muscles and joints; faster and safer walking ability; less difficulty performing the tasks of daily living; and an overall higher quality of life.”

Movement portocols proven effective for PD symptoms are derived form multiple sources including boxing, the Voice Training BIG and LOUD program, dance, cycling, and Tai Chi, as well as agility, balance, core, and functional movement training, and stretching.

Our team of health and fitness experts welcomes you to come in for a free consultation to discover how our approach can help you or your loved one live a better life with PD.

Janet is a most inspiring individual. Training her is like hooking up onto a power generator. She is such a fighter and a beautiful human being. Parkinson’s disease can be reversed to some degree and definitely delayed. Janet personifies that.

-Diane Lacroix


Cherie Turner

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